Sourcing and importing products from China is quite easy nowadays. But small business importers always feel hard to find the right suppliers with good price & quality, when facing 1,000+ suppliers for same product in Alibaba.
We like helping small to medium business or even new importers source good price and quality products in China, helping them avoid all kinds potential importing risks.
Our sourcing service is free, and you don't need to pay anything until purchasing what you like. 5%-10% is our service rate, and it includes services like product sourcing, production management, quality inspection, shipping arrangement and product photography.
You will never feel so secure when import from China through us.
In the past 3 years, we've supported 1,500+ American Amazon sellers build their e-commerce business, and also helped a European company grow from 0.5 to 4 million USD annual import amount. We always believe that we make you succeed, then we will succeed.